April 3, 2022
Orcutt Union School District students, parents, and staff:
I am writing to ask for a few minutes of your time to give the Orcutt Union School District some valuable input.
As you may know, California requires school districts to develop their own Local Control Accountability Plan (LCAP). The plan aligns a school district mission and educational goals with the financial resources it receives.
School districts s are asked to seek input from stakeholders for their plan. Accordingly, we in the Orcutt Union School District once again are inviting you, as members of our school community, to give input through a survey on your own priorities for educating children in our schools. We have done a similar survey in each of the past five years, and we will be comparing your feedback this year to what our stakeholders told us then.
The link to the survey is HERE. Thanks in advance for your time … we know how busy everyone is right now!
Joe Dana
Assistant Superintendent, Educational Services
Orcutt Union School District