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Ralph Dunlap Elementary

Home of the Dolphins!



Home of the Dolphins


Home of the Dolphins


Dear Dunlap Families,


Welcome to Ralph Dunlap Elementary School!  Let me start by saying how honored I am to be principal at this outstanding school, and to work with the staff and community to create an unmatched education for our students. The entire staff at Dunlap is ready and excited to embark on another year of academic success with your children.


At Dunlap we believe all children can achieve high levels of learning. We also believe students perform best when they feel confident about themselves and connected to a positive school environment. I will work tirelessly to guide our school toward continued academic success and further foster a supportive learning environment for all of our students.


One reason Ralph Dunlap has been successful for many years is due to the strong partnerships shared between the school and the community it serves. I am truly looking forward to working with the Dunlap families and staff members to provide the best possible educational program for our students.


As the year progresses and questions arise, please feel free to call the school and talk with those who may be able to help. Thank you for all your support in making Ralph Dunlap a place where students flourish.


Working Together,

         Jonathan Dollahite                                                                                        


A mosaic artwork of two dolphins jumping out of blue waves.


March 18, 2025

Join the OUSD Health Services Team!

The Orcutt Union School District currently has open positions for Licensed Vocational Nurse (LVN) and Administrative School Nurse. If you are passionate about making a difference in education and stud. . .


A blue and purple circle has text that reads If you see something, hear something, say something. Anonymous reporting.

See Something? Say Something!

Report a bullying situation, a threat to student safety, or any other non-emergency safety concern.

Information submitted will be sent to the school principal.  This form is anonymous, but you will be given an opportunity to provide your name and contact information if you wish. While this is not a 24/7 monitoring system, we review reports as quickly as possible when school is in session.


Anonymous Reporting Form


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